Signing up to Forever You Rewards is as easy as creating an account with us. Best of all? It’s free.
To create an account online, simply click on ‘Sign Up’ in the top right-hand corner of the Forever New website. On the ‘Create an account’ page, simply enter your name, valid email address, birthday (if you want to receive your $25 birthday reward) and mobile phone number, then choose a password, agree to join the Forever New mailing list and select ‘Register’.
To create an account in-store, provide your name, valid email address, date of birth (if you want to receive your $25 birthday reward) and mobile phone number to one of our friendly sales assistants at the register and agree to join the Forever New mailing list. We’ll then send a welcome email through to the email address you provided, which will instruct you to jump online and complete your membership so you can begin tracking your loyalty rewards and benefits.
By becoming a member, and ensuring you mention your membership when shopping in-store or are always signed into your Forever New Rewards account when shopping online, you’ll automatically be rewarded every time you shop with Forever New.